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3 Best Residential Construction Estimating Software of 2024

3 Best Residential Construction Estimating Software

Are you still writing your construction estimates out by hand for your construction projects? Well, there’s a better way with residential construction estimating software. Home-building estimating software is a comprehensive program that takes into account all your costs, like labor, tools, and time, and gives you a total project cost. It is a streamlined, efficient, and accurate way to develop your proposal and portray a clear estimate of the work you will be doing.

This article will go over the 3 best residential construction estimating software that FreshBooks has compiled. FreshBooks has its own construction accounting software that is worth checking out as it works in conjunction with your estimates. Click here to try it free, today. 

Estimates That Boost First Impressions

Key Takeaways:

  • Construction estimating software is a valuable tool when creating accurate estimates for your clients
  • Construction estimating software can aid you in estimating labor costs, tools, and time tracking
  • Construction estimating software takes all the data about your project and gives you a total project cost that helps both you and your client
  • If you’re looking for high-quality software, you’ll need to ensure it suits your needs 
  • Many options on the market are cloud-based, allowing you to work from anywhere
  • Some allow for unlimited users, while many allow for unlimited projects
  • Make sure you understand the features of the product that you choose and how it suits your business

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

What is Construction Estimating Software?

How Does Construction Estimating Software Work?

The 3 Best Estimating Softwares For Any Construction Business

Benefits of Using Residential Construction Estimating Software


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Construction Estimating Software?

Construction estimating software are programs that aid estimators in providing detailed estimates. Construction estimating software helps with the following:

  • Creating an accurate estimate
  • Predicting labor costs
  • Provides collaboration tools for construction businesses
  • Provides project management tools
  • Allows for time tracking

A great construction estimating process is an all-in-one solution for construction professionals. Residential contractors and larger firms can make use of these products, as can smaller companies. No matter what size your business is, there’s a software option available for you. We’ve covered three different options that are good for a business of any size below!

How Does Construction Estimating Software Work?

Construction estimating software works by taking in all of the details surrounding your project and compiling them into a total project cost. Traditionally, this whole process was done by hand and was often time-consuming.

However, construction estimating software allows for accurately inputting all the costs associated with a given project’s materials and labor. These costs can then be adjusted in real-time to account for supply chain changes or other factors impacting the cost of the project.

Many of the best estimating tools will also double as project management tools, providing time estimates and tracking to ensure that a construction project moves forward on budget and time.If you want to start making rapid, client-winning estimates immediately, you might want to take a quick peek at FreshBooks estimating solutions. Our online estimating software puts small business owners in the driver’s seat with on-the-go discounting and the ability to turn estimates directly into invoices.

FreshBooks estimate

The 3 Best Estimating Software for Residential Construction 

If you’re looking for the best construction estimating software solution, check out the options below.


Stack is one of today’s best construction estimating solutions. It can provide an accurate estimate and assist with a digital takeoff. For that reason, it’s the preferred software of many construction businesses. Some of the key features of STACK are listed below:

  • Comprehensive cost database
  • Pre-built materials database
  • Pre-built assemblies libraries
  • Bid management for the entire bidding process
  • Advanced takeoff features

STACK is more than just a cost estimation software. It is also a takeoff software and bidding software in one complete package. If you need software that can tackle the entire bid process and estimation process, you can’t go wrong with STACK. It eliminates the need to purchase separate bidding software. If you’re looking for cost estimation software with stellar user reviews, look no further than STACK.

Pros: STACK features a user-friendly interface, excellent customer service, and ongoing training programs through online webinars.

Cons: One of the challenges users face when using the STACK construction estimating software is that it can be difficult at times to navigate between multiple projects. 

2. ProEst

If you’re looking for a long-running contender, ProEst is your best bet. They’ve been around since 1976. There’s hardly a construction company that they haven’t worked with. To date, they’ve worked with over 8,000 to craft their cost estimation software. They’ve worked with many different-sized construction companies, giving them a lot to go on during software development. Many regard ProEst as the best software solution for companies, regardless of size.

Here are some of the key features of ProEst’s construction project management software:

  • Designed for use by contractors and subcontractors
  • A fully cloud-based software
  • Includes customer relationship management tools
  • Cost estimating features
  • Digital takeoff capabilities
  • Report and proposal templates
  • Unlimited users

It is important to note that ProEst is one of the only software options that grants access to unlimited users. They provide excellent customer service. This has led them to have the highest customer approval rates for construction estimation software.

Pros: A wealth of features, from vendor management to cost integration, help to ease construction estimations.

Cons: Since ProEst is entirely based in the cloud, users cannot access the service when offline. This won’t be an issue for many, but if you plan to use this software without an internet connection, you may want to steer clear.

3. Clear Estimates

If you’re a small contractor that needs an accurate estimate for every job, Clear Estimates is the best option. Clear Estimates has one of the cleanest user interfaces available. It’s also a cloud-based estimation software that can be used anywhere.

Take the guesswork out of estimates.

Some of the key features of Clear Estimates are as follows:

  • Cloud-based construction estimation software
  • Best for small contractors, like home improvement contractors or minimal construction contractors
  • Integrates with Buildertrend, a project management software
  • Integrates with Quickbooks software
  • Allows for unlimited customers in their customer database

There are three tiers of membership for Clear Estimates. Each one is tailored for different-sized construction companies. However, they all revolve around small contractors, specifically. All levels of access allow for unlimited estimates. They also provide unlimited support to their customers. What’s great about Clear Estimates is that they never require users to sign a contract. Service can be started and stopped whenever the user needs it.

Something unique about Clear Estimates is their updates. The application updates its cost databases frequently. This means that users are always ahead of the curve, and their accuracy is always higher.

Pros: Handy templates make it a breeze to put together an estimate in a flash. Clear Estimates also features many options for customizations on these templates that allow for a professional, client-winning appearance.

Cons: While Clear Estimates does offer tools for generating reports, some users have reported that the software is lacking in its customization department. 

Benefits of Using Residential Construction Estimating Software

  • Improved Accuracy – With construction estimating software, you don’t have to worry about incorrect manual entries or miscalculations, it does the work for you.
  • Increased Efficiency – You’ll find your estimates take less time and are more accurate due to the streamlined efficiency of construction estimating software.
  • Better Budget Management – It’s easier to keep track of your costs, tools, and labor with a construction estimating program. It’s all right there for you to see in an easy-to-read and understand format.
  • Increased Collaboration with Stakeholders – With cloud-based estimating software, you can work together from anywhere, anytime. Increased collaboration means increased business productivity and happier clients and stakeholders. 


Construction estimation software is a necessary part of the construction industry. It doesn’t matter what a company’s specialty is, accurate estimates are a must. With the right construction estimating software for your business and your needs, you will be able to knock out estimates in no time. Furthermore, you will increase productivity, transparency, and accuracy, creating happy clients, workers, and stakeholders. If you’re searching for the right software, we’ve compiled a list of the best construction estimating software. These platforms offer advanced features for generating professional proposals and estimates.

FAQs on Residential Construction Estimating Software

How do you estimate construction costs?

Estimating construction costs can be a time-consuming process if done by hand. Thankfully, there are a number of different software options available that make the process far less painful. These programs will require you to input the costs of your materials and labor in order to provide you with an estimate for your project.

What are the two main methods used to build an estimate?

The two main methods are referred to as the long wall-short wall method and the center line method. Each method uses a distinct formula to generate a rough estimate of a project’s cost. The center-line method has gained popularity because it can provide rapid estimates. However, the long-short wall method remains preferred for its ability to provide more detailed assessments. 

What are the 4 steps to accurate estimation?

The four steps toward producing an accurate estimation include a preliminary estimate, a detailed estimate, a quantity estimate, and a bid estimate. As one advances through these various stages, the level of detail and complexity grows until one finally achieves a full and accurate picture of the project’s total costs with the bid estimate.

What is the standard markup for construction?

Markup rates in the construction field vary. With that said, a good guideline to follow is a range from 7.5 to 10%. This range tends to be the industry norm, but as stated, markups vary and are dependent on many factors.

Who prepares the cost of estimation?

A cost estimator prepares the cost of estimation. Their titles may vary by project depending on the type of construction. For example, there are chief estimators, building estimators, and electrical estimators. The project manager may also be involved. An estimating tool is essential.

Kristen Slavin, CPA

About the author

Kristen Slavin is a CPA with 16 years of experience, specializing in accounting, bookkeeping, and tax services for small businesses. A member of the CPA Association of BC, she also holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Simon Fraser University. In her spare time, Kristen enjoys camping, hiking, and road tripping with her husband and two children. In 2022 Kristen founded K10 Accounting. The firm offers bookkeeping and accounting services for business and personal needs, as well as ERP consulting and audit assistance.