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ROI Calculator for Business Owners

On average, FreshBooks saves business owners $7000 a year in billable hours. Calculate your ROI (return on investment) of using FreshBooks below, then switch to save even more.

Spoiler Alert: FreshBooks Saves You Time

Whether you’re just starting out or a savvy business veteran, FreshBooks saves business owners, their staff and accountants time and effort on tasks like invoicing, billing, expensing and reporting, with easy-to-use tools in FreshBooks.

If your team is growing, it’s easy to get everyone on board to share the load and delegate work like invoicing, managing projects, expenses, billing and more. You can even invite your accountant to help with business planning and income taxes.

Your yearly ROI with a Freshbooks subscription

ROI Results

Return on Investment
Info Tooltip
Hours / Month
Info Tooltip
Faster Payments
Info Tooltip
More Clients
Info Tooltip
Dollars / Month
Info Tooltip
Transaction fee savings / year
Info Tooltip

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And FreshBooks Saves You Money Too

FreshBooks is an all-in-one accounting solution, which means you can wave goodbye to using multiple applications, saving money in the process. Businesses can also qualify for lower credit card transaction fees and save even more. FreshBooks also helps you understand your profitability, helping you focus time and effort in the right places while ensuring you’re billing at the right rate.

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How Does This Calculator Work?

We surveyed 1000 business owners—who switched to FreshBooks—about their business, their ability to do work, their team, their workflows, etc and compare their old way of doing things to FreshBooks. We gathered it all up, had our smart people do some fancy math, and created this calculator that outputs an ROI in FreshBooks for your business (including industry and current software).

To learn more about how FreshBooks can support your growing business give us a call at 1-888-674-3175 or book a meeting with a Sales Consultant here.

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