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Season 1 - Episode 8:
Growing Your Business- Kristen Pumphrey

Growing Your Business- Kristen Pumphrey

Episode Summary

How do you take your business from a pipe dream to a fully functioning factory that supports 55 employees? We decided to take our question to the headquarters of PF Candle Co, which is a candle company founded in 2008 by Kristen Pumphrey. She spent years of hard work fighting to, not only keep her company alive but to see it succeed.

Episode Notes

Every business starts somewhere before it’s a well-oiled machine. Sometimes it’s at your kitchen counter in-between your part-time jobs. The whole concept of growing your business means it was small at some point.

This season, we’ve seen that it takes a lot to start a business from the ground up. Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. It takes a lot of diligence and hard work to get any business off the ground. It’s not for the faint of heart. There are a lot of ups, downs, failures, and successes. Sometimes, it’s so important to hear what the journey has been like for others, especially, from those who are a little further along on the journey than we are. That’s the reason for today’s episode. The journey for any entrepreneur can be a complicated one, but, we learn from the growing pains that we encounter. And, hopefully, they make us better business owners.

The growing pains of building your business are real. Determination is one of the main themes that we recognize in Kristen’s story. She sacrificed a lot to get the company off the groundā€” time, money, comfort. But, to her, the business was worth it. And, it’s paid off so far. Being your own boss takes determination and grit. Kristen is an excellent example of who will make it in this competitive world of entrepreneurship,someone who is smart and eager to learn. If you’re willing to learn, sacrifice, and put in the hard work, then that might be you too. Knowing the road is going to be rough can be discouraging. But, try taking a page from Kristen’s book. Let the challenge be what fuels your determination to keep moving forward.

Episode Guests
Kristen Pumphrey- [PF Candle CO](https://pfcandleco.com/).

Center Stage
Torin Regier- [Keg Shoe](https://kegshoe.ca/)

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