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Season 1 - Episode 10:
How To Start a Start-Up- Seth Radman

How To Start a Start-Up- Seth Radman

Episode Summary

On this episode, we explore the fascinating and growing world of start-ups. Seth Radman, a serial entrepreneur from Atlanta sits down with us to discuss everything from ideas, solutions, success,failure, funding, to how he writes down every single problem he identifies on his day-to-day activities to see if they could later become the catalyst of a new venture.

Episode Notes

Coming up with problems without immediately trying to fix them is a lot harder than youā€™d think. Our minds really are trained to find solutions. But, throughout this episode we focus the most on the beginning two stepsā€”

1) Defining the problem
2) Confirming that it actually is a viable problem.

The biggest take away from this whole conversation is to start at the beginning, with the problemā€”and spend a lot of time there. The last thing you want to do is create a solution that no one wants or is willing to buy into. We also discover that starting a startup is not out of reach.
The steps that Seth gives us are actionable. While it will take a lot of hard work and diligence, you donā€™t necessarily need a big budget to start. You really just need a group of people who have a problem.


[Seth Radman](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sethradman/)- Co-Founder at Crescendo | Tech Entrepreneur | Startup Advisor

Center Stage

[Charla Ruschelle](https://www.instagram.com/crcco/)- CR Clothing Co.

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